Thursday, March 19, 2009

Everybody Happy :-)

One of the happiest moment of my life started last Saturday. It's one of God's greatest gifts to me this year, even if I'm such a sinner. I can say that it's one of the happiest moments because my family is complete.

What I mean about complete is that my Mom was allowed to have her vacation and my Dad also have his. For those who don't know, my parents are working far from me and my siblings. When my parents are away, my siblings, two brothers who are younger than I, were residing at my Aunt's house, my Mom's sister. My Aunt used to take care of us when my parents are away and working, but two years ago, she's taking care of my brothers, I'm excluded because I stay in different house since I stepped college.

By the end of this month, my brother will graduate in high school and by the first week of next month, my other brother will graduate in elementary. Since they're graduating, my Mom and Dad want to witness the special event of my brothers. And like my parents, I'm also happy for my brothers. Some family friends always tell me that the years between me and my siblings are good. Well, I kinda agree with that because it just means they're giving compliments to my parents. They say it's good because, just like my two brothers' case, the youngest is graduating in elementary, and the older one is graduating in high school, and I'm supposed to graduate this year in college but it was postponed for next year. So it means, for every new level in school (Secondary, Tertiary), there is a probability that my brothers are not going to meet in the same level (e.g., they're tertiary students at the same time but different in year level).

I hope after my siblings’ graduation, everything will still be in good condition, even if my parents will be far again by that time. They'll be going back to their works after a month or maybe after the Holy Week. Well, I think, I'm not just the only one who always hopes for better life. Every one of us hopes for it, right?
For my last words, based on my own experience, true happiness is measured not with material things but with the moments, which God give us, that we treasure until the end of time, as long as we live.

1 comment:

  1. I agree of what you've said...
    happiness cant be measurd by any material things... Which means as it is our ultimate end with God almighty.
